This is Why You Need Acupuncture
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science increasingly shows that acupuncture therapy from ancient China can be
as effective as medicine, more and more doctors recognize its validity. At
the same time, an exciting new discovery of how acupuncture works also
strengthens its position as a wholly bonafide medical treatment.
Assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, Joseph F. Audette, mentioned that currently there are many studies that support the use of acupuncture to improve the health of the body, especially treating illness.
Research from Indiana University School of Medicine found that acupuncture promotes the release of stem cells that can help repair tissues in the body. This therapy also produces anti-inflammatory substances associated with the healing process.
Acupuncture also has a calming effect on the nervous system, so it can rejuvenate the body more quickly. Reporting from, it can happen because acupuncture is so complex but magical in response to disease.
Assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, Joseph F. Audette, mentioned that currently there are many studies that support the use of acupuncture to improve the health of the body, especially treating illness.
Research from Indiana University School of Medicine found that acupuncture promotes the release of stem cells that can help repair tissues in the body. This therapy also produces anti-inflammatory substances associated with the healing process.
Acupuncture also has a calming effect on the nervous system, so it can rejuvenate the body more quickly. Reporting from, it can happen because acupuncture is so complex but magical in response to disease.
Uncover the healthy benefits of acupuncture
When the needle pierces the body, this sharp object will stimulate a small nerve under the skin and trigger a chain reaction that kills the body's response. As a result, stress levels will drop dramatically."Acupuncture relaxes your muscles, slows your heart rate, and reduces inflammation to improve healing. This therapy also has smaller side effects, "said Audette.
Furthermore, Audette says that the analgesic effect of acupuncture is very powerful and effective for the body. Existing research reveals that this therapy is useful to help overcome digestive problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome.
On the same side, another study from Arizona State University mentions that acupuncture can reduce stress feeling for up to three months after treatment. This condition is believed to have links to a system that controls the body's reaction to stress.
A series of benefits on the allegedly only a small part. The researchers mentioned that other acupuncture functions include reduced frequency of migraine, minimize PMS symptoms, relieve insomnia, increase the effectiveness of depression medications, lower blood pressure in people with hypertension, and reduce the side effects of chemotherapy drugs.
Medical presuppositions related to acupuncture
Acupuncture that has been done since 3000 years ago argues that health occurs if energy (qi) in the body is stable. If there is imbalance in qi, there will be disease."Acupuncture practitioners believe that qi flows in the body's meridian lines. If certain points along the meridian line are stimulated by needle sting, then the qi energy balance can be restored. In other words, the disease can be cured by balancing qi, "said dr. Karin Wiradarma from KlikDokter.
More recently, more and more people are doing acupuncture therapy. Until 2007 alone, the use of acupuncture as an alternative therapy increased by 31%.
Related benefits, dr. Karin explained that various studies have proven the effectiveness of acupuncture as joint pain therapy, especially osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Thus, it can be concluded that acupuncture is effective in providing a myriad of benefits for your body's health.
Now it's clear why you need acupuncture? Do this therapy regularly and regularly. Balance also with the consumption of healthy and balanced nutritious food, diligent exercise, enough rest, avoid smoking and alcohol. Thus, acupuncture that you do can bring more perfect benefits. However, if you already have a particular disease and want to undergo acupuncture, consult your doctor first.
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