Often Read Bad News Can be Dangerous to Health
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When watching television to connect to the internet, not infrequently you see bad news about various events. Not a few that you ignore, but many of the news you see, either out of curiosity or hooked to watch.
In every recent news coverage, the condition of the universe is described as always in crisis. You too can be severely affected by bad events somewhere thousands of miles away.
With a surge of technology, social media, and the 24-hour news cycle, the exposure to traumatic events has increased tremendously over the last few decades. According to a survey conducted by Pew in 2015, 65 percent of adults now use social networking sites and almost some of them consume bad news.
So, what will happen when you read too much bad news? Then how can it affect health to trigger disease?
The response of the body when reading bad news
Reported by CNN, your brain is actually already programmed to process stress related to trauma. Even under normal circumstances, your brain has a negative rejection response to a bad news.However, persistent exposure to trauma can thwart your ability to cope with stress well and hamper yourself to return to a state of relaxation. This was stated by Susanne Babbel, a traumatist trauma specialist.
"Every time we experience or hear a traumatic event, we go into stress mode, we may feel numb or have an overactive fear response to perceived threats, our physiology is triggered to release stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline," says Babbel.
Ideally, once the perceived threat is resolved, the body will calm down. However, repeated exposure to a traumatic event that is equal to or greater than before may disrupt the supposedly calm recovery.
"Over time, as we experience this process again and again, our adrenal glands can become exhausted, adrenal fatigue can cause fatigue in the morning, lack of deep sleep, anxiety and depression, as well as many other symptoms," Babbel said.
In the advanced stage, overhearing bad news also makes you less caring, more apathetic and feel less urgency about the crisis faced.
"One way to cope with this constant exposure is not to get overwhelmed with this bad news and get dragged in. Everyone has different limits, and you have to figure out what your limits are," Babbel explained.
Overcome the bad news in Media
Setting a limit on how much you see news or open social media can create space and time to calm the stress response of the nervous system. For example by turning off notifications on the phone to reduce consumption of bad news."The most important thing is to take care of yourself when it's overloaded, when you start feeling depressed, when you feel numb, moody, irritated or other symptoms of the nervous system response.Every time you feel bored, it's a signal that you have to stop for a moment consume all the information, "said Babbel.
When bad news has caused disturbances such as stress, based on exposure dr. Alvin Nursalim, you can apply the way below:
- Do not save yourself. If you're having a problem, tell the people closest to you. Sharing is one of the easiest ways to reduce stress.
- Participate in social activities. Helping others can also reduce stress. Do not be afraid to get involved in the various social activities around. Thus, you can help yourself in dealing with stress, as well as helping others.
- Meditation and yoga. Various breathing techniques, accompanied by a comfortable and supportive atmosphere, can help you become relaxed. Frequent reading and hearing bad news can trigger illnesses, especially those related to mental health. All you have to do is limit yourself to consuming bad news. If you are exposed every day continuously, no doubt will appear depressed to stress.
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