8 Super Powerful Supports for Women's Health

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8 Super Powerful Supports for Women's Health

Everyone needs nutrient-rich foods to keep his body healthy. No exception for women. Food sources of vitamins and minerals are very important to protect the body of women from various diseases such as bone loss (osteoporosis), pregnancy problems, breast cancer, and other women's health issues. So, what foods are powerful to maintain the health of women throughout his age? Consider the following list.

The healthiest food choices to keep women healthy

1. Edamame

One of the super foods that can help maintain women's health is edamame. Edamame contains lots of fiber and good fats that can keep the body's organs functioning optimally, even though age is growing.

Not only that, edamame also contains isoflavones, estrogen-like compounds that can be your best friend at menopause. The reason, it is helpful to overcome hot flashes or sensations of heat in the body during menopause.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the green vegetables that are very beneficial for women's health. Broccoli contains sulforaphane, a chemical that can help lower excess estrogen in the body to prevent cancer risk.

In addition, this tree-shaped vegetable also contains essential vitamins and minerals needed to boost immunity such as vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, folate, calcium, iron, and potassium. Thus, you are advised to consume at least 500 grams of broccoli in a week.

3. Sardines

For women who are actively breastfeeding, try to multiply eating sardines. Sardines contain healthy fatty acids, vitamin D, and calcium that can improve the quality of breast milk.

In addition, sardines also contain omega-3 fatty acids that typically consist of DHA and EPA. This is very useful for improving brain function in the baby in the womb.

Benefits of sardines do not just get there, you know. For women who are not pregnant and breastfeeding, sardines are also beneficial for maintaining brain health.

4. Beri-berian

The berries have a vivid color that has a fascination for women. For example, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. Not only beautiful in terms of color alone, beri-berian in fact provide benefits that are not less interesting for women's health.

Berberian fruits contain flavonoids and antioxidants, which serve to protect healthy cells from damage. For those of you who have entered old age, berries are very suitable to be consumed to help maintain the sharpness of the brain to not easily senile.

5. Nuts

For women who have hypertension or diabetes problems, you should eat beans. Nuts are rich in fiber and low in fat is beneficial to lower your blood pressure and blood sugar.

Choose red beans, walnuts, or almonds that are safe to keep your cholesterol stable. By consuming 12 pieces of walnuts every day, you will avoid the risk of heart disease.

6. Papaya

Papaya fruit that is sweet in fact also provides sweet benefits for women's health. The reddish orange color of papaya fruit comes from beta-carotene and lycopene. Two things are very useful to reduce the risk of cervical and breast cancer, the two most deadly diseases for women.

By eating papaya fruit regularly, you will also avoid the risk of heart disease. Therefore, papaya contains antioxidants that can help keep cholesterol and blood pressure from a drastic jump as a result of aging.

7. Yogurt

For those of you aged 50 years and over, you need additional calcium intake to avoid osteoporosis. As you know, the best source of calcium lies in milk. However, what if you do not like drinking milk?

Do not worry about it. You can replace it by eating yogurt, a source of calcium that is not less important than milk. The reason, every 230 grams of yogurt can meet one-third of your calcium needs every day. So, choose yogurt fortified with vitamin D to help your body better absorb minerals.

8. Avocado

Avocado is one of the best fruits that contain monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) to keep women healthy. In fact, a study shows that an avocado diet can help remove belly fat and protect your eyes and skin.

Interestingly, the habit of eating avocados regularly can help lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and increase HDL (good cholesterol). So, just consume a quarter to one and a half pieces of avocado every day and prove yourself the benefits.

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