Are You Addicted to Caffeine? Here's the Tips to Overcome them

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Are You Addicted to Caffeine

Caffeine addiction occurs when a person drinks too many drinks with these ingredients, such as tea and coffee. Quoting dr. Sara Elise Wijono, MRes, caffeine is a powerful stimulant and commonly used to support body energy.

However, caffeine has some side effects such as anxiety, anxiety, and insomnia. As an illustration, here is the caffeine content in each type of coffee:

 Black 8 oz coffee. (237 mL) 95-200 mg
 Decaf coffee 8 oz. (237 mL) 2-12 mg
 8 oz tea. (237 mL) 14-70 mg
 Espreso 1 oz. (30 mL) 47-75 mg
 Espreso, decaf 1 oz. (30 mL) 0-15 mg
 Instant 8 oz. (237 mL) 27-173 mg
 Instant, decaf 8 oz. (237 mL) 2-12 mg
 Latte or 8 oz mocca. (237 mL) 63-175 mg

In addition to coffee and tea, other drinks such as soda also contain 54 mg of caffeine and a can of energy drinks have at least 80 mg of caffeine. In the right dose, actually drinks contain caffeine safe for the body.

"Consuming caffeine as much as 200-300 mg per day or equivalent to 2-4 cups of coffee / day, is a safe limit that can be tolerated by physically healthy adults," said dr. Sara.

However, what happens if a person drinks excessive caffeine drink? At levels above 500 mg per day, the effects of caffeine excess are insomnia, anxiety, anxiety, stomach upset, faster pulse rate, and tremor.

Tips on caffeine addiction

If you realize that you have been addicted to caffeine but difficult to handle it, dilansir from various sources, there are a number of tips you can do. Check out below:

1. Herbal tea

Green tea or other caffeine-free herbal tea can be a solution to overcome your caffeine addiction. Orange-flavored tea and mint for example, is believed to overcome caffeine addiction.

2. Chlorophyll water

Although the taste of chlorophyll water is not your favorite coffee or tea, but once a day drinking chlorophyll water can also replace the role of caffeine in the body.

3. Sleep quality

Getting used to sleeping adequately and on time will reduce your mind and addiction to caffeine. When the body gets enough sleep, the body will not be tired, always fit, and in the end does not require too much caffeine.

4. Foods contain potassium and magnesium

Caffeine will reduce the levels of potassium and magnesium in the body, which will cause the body to shake and cause anxiety. So, eating foods that contain potassium and magnesium, such as bananas and green vegetables can also help.

5. Consume caffeine intelligently

Arrange your caffeine intake through your favorite daily beverages, such as one cup of coffee in the morning, then the second cup taken in the afternoon. By eating intermittently, the amount of caffeine per day can be limited.

Drinking caffeine-containing beverages can be beneficial in the right dosage, but can also be detrimental when consumed excessively. Everyone has a different body condition in responding to caffeine intake.

"Some people are more sensitive to caffeine. In fact, if only drink 1-2 cups of coffee or tea, could have a person feel unwanted effects such as anxiety to sleep disorders, "said dr. Sara.

Further, dr. Sara explained that people who rarely consume caffeine tend to be more sensitive to the negative effects that may be caused. Other factors that affect this are weight, age, drugs consumed, and others.

Well, if you feel already addicted to caffeine, overcome the condition with some tips above. If you experience side effects such as anxiety, heart palpitations, and sleep disorders that do not improve, see your doctor immediately for further treatment.

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