5 Ways To Lower Blood Sugar Too High

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5 Ways To Lower Blood Sugar Too High

High blood sugar levels, or commonly referred to as hyperglycemia, are commonly found in people who have diabetes and are impaired in the hormone insulin. When high blood sugar levels are not treated, this can cause organ damage, coma, or even death.

What to do when blood sugar levels are high?

Diligent monitoring of blood sugar levels is a good way to prevent and overcome the blood sugar is too high. Notice also the symptoms of blood sugar levels soaring in people who have diabetes such as thirst, frequent urination, and dry mouth.

Then, here's a way you can immediately do to lower blood sugar levels:

1. Check blood sugar

If you have a type 2 diabetes condition, your doctor may suggest a blood sugar test, twice or more a day. Blood glucose tests at home can be used to measure the amount of blood sugar after eating and after sleeping at night.

The test can be done using a small portable machine called the blood glucose meter. A blood sugar test at home is useful for monitoring daily blood sugar levels. The following is a criterion of the results indicated by a blood glucose test (GDS):
  • Normal: below 200 mg / dl
  • Condition of hyperglycemia: above 200 mg / dl
However, actual blood sugar levels can change over time, such as before eating and after eating. Here is a normal range of your blood sugar levels at each time.
  • After not eating for 8 hours (fasting): less than 100 mg / dl
  • Before meals: 70-130 mg / dl
  • After meals (1-2 hours): less than 180 mg / dl
  • Before bed: 100-140 mg / dl

2. Insulin injections

Once you know the high blood sugar levels in the body and HbA1c blood test results remain high after the use of antidiabetic drinking drugs, you will usually need insulin injections to neutralize blood sugar levels. Keep in mind, the hormone insulin can work faster when injected into your stomach, just above or next to your navel. The insulin hormone will work more slowly when injected in the upper arm, even slower in the legs, and slowest on the buttocks.

Insulin helps control blood sugar (glucose) levels in the body. You do this by signaling the fat, muscle, and liver cells to take glucose from the blood and convert it into glycogen (muscle fat) in muscle cells, triglycerides in fat cells, and both in liver cells. Also make sure to check your blood sugar levels to see if you are injecting the correct dose of insulin.

3. Drink more water

If your blood sugar level is high, you are advised to drink immediately. Because the water in the body will try to neutralize the excess sugar from the blood, then throw it through the urine. As a result, your body will need more fluid to hydrate yourself.

Diabetics should get used to drinking mineral water instead of 8 glasses per day but drinking mineral water in accordance with their needs to be well dehydrated. The higher the physical activity is performed, the more water needs the body needs.

4. Sport

Exercise is a good way to control your blood sugar level in a healthy dose. In addition, exercise can also help lower high blood sugar levels by making your heart pump blood throughout the body.

When pumping blood, glucose is used in the bloodstream to bring more energy. Try to increase your heart rate for at least 10 to 15 minutes. Check your blood sugar intermittently to prevent it from getting too low in your efforts to stabilize it.

5. Limit sugar intake

High blood sugar levels occur due to excess sugar intake from the food you eat. It's a good idea to start reducing and limiting your daily sugar intake. If necessary, use low-calorie sweeteners and contain chromium to improve insulin function in the body, thus helping the diabetics in controlling blood sugar.

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