Are you sure your Diet Method is Appropriate?
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Losing weight is like a lifelong struggle for some people. Various types of diets, ranging from diet mayo, ketogenik diet, blood type diet has been tried. Even various medical acts are also done. But the needle scales never go to the left.
This may often happen to you: your friends apply a diet without fat, weight directly down 1 kg. Or your sister do the mayo diet, lose weight quickly in a week. But when you try it, the weight remains static even up. What is wrong? It could be your diet method is not appropriate.
Diet and Gene Roles
According to researchers from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in the United States, a diet that is suitable for others is not necessarily suitable for you, and vice versa. One of the causes is the metabolic difference in everyone's body.Another study published in the journal Cell says that the body's reaction to food can vary. Therefore, it also needs a different diet patterns to minimize the risk of certain diseases, including weight loss.
In the study, researchers reviewed the body's blood sugar levels of respondents after being given certain foods. The result, the response of blood sugar levels of each respondent after being given different food.
For example, when eating the same bread with your friends, it could be after eating your blood sugar levels jumped sharply. While the same bread does not affect your friend's blood sugar level and remain stable. This becomes an important point, especially for diabetics who are advised to keep blood sugar levels remain stable.
Some researchers conclude that different body reactions are caused by the role of genes. Gene expression of food consumed is personal and not the same in every person. For that, undergoing a diet pattern in accordance with the results of body genes expression is considered not only beneficial to lose weight, but also to deal with certain medical conditions.
In a study published in the journal Nutrition, screening for 24 gene variants that play a role in metabolism, then patients are asked to perform a diet pattern in accordance with the genetic tests that have been done. The result, 73% of patients who followed the diet pattern in accordance with genetic tests proved successful weight loss within 300 days. While only 32% of patients who did not manage to lose weight.
Other studies conducted in the UK also found the same thing. In the study, the comparison between diet and dietary ketogenik according to genetic testing. The result is the respondents who diet according to the genetic test, weight continues to decline and stable even up to 2 years later. While respondents who underwent ketogenik diet, weight back up as before.
Although still needed further research, but the diet in accordance with this genetic test is considered promising to lose weight or maintain ideal body weight in the long run. Changing the diet becomes healthier, of course, can impact on body weight and overall body health.
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