3 Benefits of Being A Vegetarian

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3 Benefits of Being A Vegetarian

Vegans and vegetarians alike do not eat any animal flesh. So no chicken, pork, beef, seafood, or any other animal in their diet. But the difference is with vegetarians, vegans are people who also avoid eating eggs, dairy products, or any other product that comes from animals - honey, fish sauce, gelatin, and others.

Vegan is the strictest vegetarian type because being a vegan means you really only eat fruits, vegetables, and nuts and seeds.

Some vegans also adopt a lifestyle that completely avoids the use of animal goods, such as silk, animal and animal hair, wool, and animal cosmetics made into animal tested or animal products.

Then, where does the vegan get its nutritional intake?

Since eating lots of vegetables, fruits and grains, the vegan diet is a diet high in fiber, magnesium, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, and antioxidants that come from plants.

What about proteins and carbohydrates? Quiet. Many vegetable products are high in carbohydrates and proteins. Call it wheat, avocado, brown rice, potatoes, tempeh, tofu, spinach, green beans, peas, beans, until the red beans.

Although edible food sources seem very limited, vegan food is actually very large and varied. The key you have to be clever in choosing and creatively combining different foods to create a new menu.

In fact, today there are many choices of dairy-based foods (eg ice cream or cheesecake), meat, burgers, even wine or beer a la vegan.

The benefit of being a vegan is ...

Since the diet is only plant-based, a vegan can have the following benefits:

1. Lose weight

Reed Mangels, a licensed nutritionist and professor of Nutrition Sciences at the University of Massachusetts, USA, says that the vegan diet is a solution to weight loss with real-life results.

The reason, vegetable food contains fewer calories than animal food. In addition, high fiber intake of fruits and vegetables make you feel full faster so as to minimize the desire cravings and snacking.

Plants are also a major source of vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants that are excellent for maintaining overall health. A high fiber diet and high nutrient-rich diet is also associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.

2. The risk of heart disease is lower

In addition to having a more ideal weight, the vegan diet also helps lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in the body. Vegetable-based eating patterns also help stabilize blood sugar levels and blood pressure in a healthy state.

Consumption of whole grains, soybeans, and nuts that are also the principle of the Mediterranean diet can protect the body from the risk of heart disease.

Many people believe this is because vegans do not consume saturated fat or harmful chemicals that are now commonly found in meat or dairy products.

3. Lowering the risk of cancer

Vegetables and fruits contain many nutrients that can protect the body from cancer. One of the nutrients contained in vegetables and fruits is a complex phytochemical that has been found to be useful in preventing cancer. Phytochemicals are antioxidants that can fight free radicals that cause cancer cell formation.

Vegan diets are prone to malnutrition and bone loss

The vegan diet is a diet that centers on vegetables, fruits, and nuts and seeds. This means you are at risk for many deficiencies of vitamins and minerals derived from animal foods, such as calcium and protein. In fact, calcium and protein are needed for bone health.

Protein and calcium intake far from enough to increase the risk of bone loss (osteoporosis) and fractures in older age. But as long as the intake of calcium and vitamin D remains well met from vegetable sources and sunlight, this risk should not be too much of a concern.

Even so, vegans are at risk for other nutritional deficiencies such as omega 3 fatty acids (including EPA and DHA), iron, and vitamin B-12. Omega-3s are important for heart health and brain function, usually contained in fish. Meanwhile, iron deficiency or vitamin B-12 can lead to anemia. To prevent it, you need to take vitamin B12 supplements and iron.

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