How to Keep Children Out of the Dangers of Cigarettes and Drugs
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Until now, the use of cigarettes and drugs among teenagers is almost no longer preventable. Given everyone can easily get cigarettes and drugs from the surrounding environment. Of course this can make the parents worried about this phenomenon that so deliberately lela teenagers.
Cigarettes and drugs among Indonesian teenagers
Every year, the number of addicts of cigarettes and drugs in Indonesia continues to grow, especially among young people. Based on data from the Ministry of Health showing if the increase in prevelence rates of smokers from 27 percent in 1995, increased to 36.3 percent in 2013.That is, if 20 years ago from every 3 people Indonesia 1 person of whom is a smoker, so today from every 3 people Indonesia, 2 of whom are smokers.
Meanwhile, based on data from the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), the number of drug users in Indonesia until 2015 reached 5.9 million people. BNN survey results are also known if the prevalence rate of drug abuse in special households - boarding or rented environment, in Indonesia is higher than in the general household. So this indicates that drug abuse and trafficking have their own pockets in the community.
Actually, the level of public knowledge about the dangers of drugs is good enough, it's just an understanding of how drug prevention efforts are still low. Thus, the need for communication, education, and information more leverage in the aspect of strengthening the topic or issue on how to make effective prevention of the danger of drugs. This certainly can not be done only by one of the relevant agencies, but must work together with all parties, especially parents.
How do parents keep children away from cigarettes and drugs?
Parents have the most important role to provide early education related to the dangers of drugs and cigarettes in children. Here are some steps that parents can take to keep children away from smoking and drugs.1. Establish communication early on about the dangers of cigarettes and drugs
The best thing a parent can do to prevent drug abuse, alcohol and cigarettes in children is to communicate from an early age to the child. Beginning when your child is 5 or 6 years old, talk to your child about how this substance is harmful to children. Such explains the effect to the body, psychological, even the future.2. Focus on the positive
Discuss to your child how to take responsible decisions without being affected from peer behavior. In addition, you can do activities that focus on positive things for the child, such as:- Never miss an opportunity to praise the accomplishments that the little guy did to build his self-esteem
- Let your child actively engage in sports, clubs, and other activities he likes
- Do not forget to spend time with your child
3. Demonstrate good habits
Habits of the child can not be separated from the behavior of parents who are often done at home. This is what makes children often imitate the behavior of parents because children see the parents as their figures. If you smoke, chances are the child has a chance to smoke as well. Similarly, consume alcohol or drugs. Therefore, do positive habits for the child.4. Apply the rules at home
Prohibit children from using drugs, cigarettes or alcoholic beverages should be a family regulation. The rules should be specific, consistent and reasonable.For example, you should explain the consequences of each family member if they violate the rules; what the punishment, how the scheme of implementation, and the purpose of the punishment. Also do not forget to explain to the child if the rules are fixed and apply anywhere and anytime.
5. Family harmony
Factors that cause abuse of drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes among teenagers most often occur due to families that are not harmonious. Therefore, create a harmonious and loving family at home. So this makes the child does not need to seek happiness outside the home - has gained an abundance of love and happiness from parents with a pleasant atmosphere at home.How do you think about How to Keep Children Out of the Dangers of Cigarettes and Drugs. Write your opinion in the comment field.
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