Good Fruit to Prevent Hypertension

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Good Fruit to Prevent Hypertension

Hypertension is a chronic condition of increased blood pressure. This health disorder can cause damage to blood vessels. As a result there can be complications such as heart disease, kidney, stroke, and much more.

According to dr. Alvin Nursalim, you can say hypertension if after two checks in two different visits blood pressure> 140/90 mmHg. Hypertension does not cause symptoms, but if the blood pressure is too high it can cause complaints such as headache, dizziness, nosebleeds, chest pain, blurred vision, including difficulty breathing.

Regarded as a silent killer, hypertension may be asymptomatic and may be missed-and untreated-for years. Although influenced by risk factors, high blood pressure is also influenced by several factors that you can control, one of which is the diet.

Hypertension risk factors

Some risk factors that can cause a person experiencing hypertension include:

  • Men aged over 55 years and women over 65 years old
  • The presence of a history of high blood in the family
  • Obesity and lack of exercise Excessive salt intake
  • Stress Smoking, alcohol, and illegal drugs
  • Medical conditions such as diabetes, cholesterol, kidney disorders, thyroid disorders, or adrenal gland disorders
  • Consumption of certain drugs such as steroids or birth control pills

Prevent hypertension by eating these fruits 

Hypertension can be prevented, one of which is by applying a healthy diet. A diet that can help control high blood pressure is a diet rich in potassium, magnesium, fiber, and low in sodium-which many fruit and vegetables have.

It can also be done with the selection of the right fruits. Although not directly can lower high blood pressure, but these fruits can help you prevent hypertension and the consequences of the complications it causes.

Summarized from various sources, before going shopping make sure to include these fruits to your healthy food shopping list.

1. Various berries

Berries, especially blueberries, are known to be rich in flavonoids. A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that taking flavonoids can prevent hypertension and help lower blood pressure. Other berries that you can consume are raspberries and strawberries. How to cultivate it very easily, can be mixed into a bowl of cereals or granola you in the morning or freeze in the freezer to mix smoothie or dessert ingredients.

2. Guava 

Herbs contain high potassium, which is about 14 mg per 100 grams. Potassium serves to increase the regularity of the heart rate, activate muscle contraction, control the body's fluid balance, and help lower blood pressure.

A study from the Heart Research Laboratory at the Medical and Research Center of India showed that eating guava regularly can lower cholesterol, blood triglycerides, and lower blood pressure. Reduced blood pressure means lowering the risk of heart disease.

3. Dragon fruit 

Of the many drugs in circulation, not many know that hypertension can be overcome in a simple way, namely by eating dragon fruit. Dragon fruit known to be rich in protein, carbohydrates, high in vitamin C, B1, and riboflavin. In addition, mineral deposits such as calcium, iron, and phosphorus in dragon fruit are also not less high.

Based on the explanation by dr. Sepriani Timurtini Limbong, here is a series of dragon fruit benefits for people with high blood pressure.
  • Maintain flexibility of blood vessels. "The content of vitamin C in dragon fruit high can keep blood vessels healthy and flexible. This will prevent high blood pressure, "said dr. Sepri. For those who have experienced hypertension, eating this fruit can keep blood pressure stable.
  • Prevents damage to blood vessels. Dragon fruit contains high antioxidants, such as fitoalbumin, and flavonoids. This antioxidant serves to ward off free radicals from food or air polluted pollutants that potentially damage the blood vessels.
  • Source of healthy fats. Dragon fruit contains unsaturated fatty acids that are good for the body, especially for heart health. Described by dr. Sepri, "Consumption of dragon fruit can prevent the occurrence of blockage of blood vessels due to fat deposits (atherosclerosis) and keep cholesterol levels remain normal."
  • Rich in fiber. Dragon fruit is rich in fiber. It is very good for digestion and prevents hypertensive sufferers from eating less healthy foods.

4. Banana 

In a study published in the journal American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, eating bananas (also yams and spinach) every day can help lower high blood pressure. Mineral content, potassium, and potassium can help balance the levels of salt in the body.

American College of Cardiology finds a daily potassium intake of 1,600 mg or less than half the recommended daily adult amount of 3,500 mg. The amount is enough to lower the risk of stroke by more than one fifth.

However, dr. Astrid Wulan Kusumoastuti recalls that bananas contain 25 percent pure sugar. Sugar in these amounts can increase sugar levels quickly. As a result, you will be quickly hungry again before lunch hour or dinner time arrives. Therefore, combine bananas with other foods such as mixed into yoghurt or oatmeal.

5. Pomegranate 

According to a study published in the journal Plant Foods for Human Nutrition in 2012, taking pomegranate a cup of pomegranate juice once a day for four weeks can help lower blood pressure in the short term.

A different study from Queen Margaret University, Scotland, also proved that the consumption of pomegranate juice as much as 500 ml a day can reduce the levels of cortisol that trigger stress hormones significantly in the saliva. In addition, the results obtained also that the pomegranate is able to reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure so that it can make the body feel more relaxed and prevent hypertension.

If referring explanation from dr. Kartika Mayasari, also, is because the pomegranate contains flavonoids, which is a powerful antioxidant that plays a role in warding off free radicals while repairing damaged cells.

6. Kiwi 

Eating three kiwi each day can help lower blood pressure. This is contained in the results of a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition in 2007.

The study involved 118 male and female participants over 55 years old. Everything has a rather high blood pressure. Participants were asked to consume three kiwi per day for eight weeks or eat one apple per day for eight weeks.

As a result, the researchers found that the group that ate the kiwi had lower systolic pressure than the apple-eating group. Reported by ScienceDaily, this is because the kiwi is rich in lutein as an antioxidant free radical destroyer, which free radicals are known to be associated with high blood pressure.

7. Peach and nectarine 

Quoted from Prevention, one medium size peach (peach) or nectarine contains 1 percent calcium, 3 percent magnesium, and 8 percent potassium. As mentioned earlier, potassium can help lower high blood pressure.

8. Avocado 

Half a portion of the avocado contains 1 percent calcium, 5 percent magnesium, and 10 percent potassium.

According to a study by Iranian researchers published in the journal Phytotheraphy Research, consuming one avocado every day can help you prevent metabolic syndrome, the body condition which makes you at risk of heart disease and diabetes. These include high blood pressure, large waist circumference, and high triglycerides.

Hypertension can attack both men and women, and more attacking you over the age of 40 years. To prevent or control hypertension, do some of these things:
  • Changing lifestyle becomes healthier.
  • Routine exercise.
  • Regulate food consumption. Increase intake of foods rich in potassium and avoid foods containing saturated fat such as fried foods or fast food.
  • Keep your ideal weight because excess weight or obesity may increase your risk of hypertension.
  • Reduce stress with fun activities. Stressful environments can increase blood pressure.
  • Limit alcoholic beverages and smoke.
  • Set a good sleep pattern.
  • Perform regular medical checkup 1-2 times a year, especially if you are over 40 years old.

Although hypertension can cause serious complications that can endanger life, but basically this condition can be prevented and controlled. In addition to eating good fruits to prevent hypertension as mentioned above, apply also a healthy diet, exercise routine, and manage stress well. If you want to apply certain diets such as the popular DASH diet done to lower blood pressure, it is best to consult a nutritionist before you start.

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